A Living Lab Framework

Facilitating the adoption of innovations in international information infrastructures

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One of the key challenges that international supply chains face today is the need for improving the quality of the data that is used for business operations and compliance. In many supply chains, individual parties in the chain work with low quality data, even though somewhere in the chain, better data is available. The systems of supply chain partners can be interconnected, creating information infrastructures. However, just interconnecting systems is insufficient. The actors involved need to provide detailed requirements and specifications, including on the sources, processes, and control mechanisms. Living Labs can be used as a collaborative innovation approach that is able to structure the cooperation and content discussions. In this paper, based on analysis of multiple projects, a framework for the use of Living Labs in information infrastructure innovation is presented. The framework positions the stakeholders and their power relations and helps to specify individual and common goals. It guides the participants in developing a collaborative approach to making the innovation work, socially and technically, and on short and longer term.