Numerical simulation of random wave runup on seawall near shoreline with FUNWAVE model

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FUNWAVE numerical model is particularly suited to model nonlinear wave phenomena in the nearshore coastal zone. However, due to its inherent limitations, no a priori values are known for the parameters to be used for a particular application of FUNWAVE. Hence every simulation provides significant knowledge on the parameters to be used on future situations, especially if complex phenomena as wave breaking and wave runup are present. In this paper, the FUNWAVE model (one dimensional version) is applied to the simulation of the experiments performed by Mase et al. (2006): i.e., the wave propagation on a channel with difirent slope profiles and a seawall, for irregular breaking wave conditions. The purpose of this study is to analyze the model's performance when simulating the main phenomena involved in nearshore wave propagation, with special attention to nonlinear phenomena and wave runup. In order to evaluate FUNWAVE'S behavior a comparison is made between experimental and numerical results for surface elevation, significant wave height, wave period, power spectrum and bispecirum and wave runup.