Entertainment Education - a strategic implementation for fire safety
Research, design and implementation for maximum effectiveness
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Every 3 minutes, someone dies in a domestic fire accident. The Comics for Safety Foundation aims to improve worldwide fire safety with the help of entertainment. In this thesis, the effectiveness of the communication strategy Entertainment Education is tested for the use of fire safety. A qualitative research was performed on Dutch children between 12 and 15 years old to determine their values and needs during their entertainment consumption. The results included a strong need for self identification in entertainment and the need to share their entertainment with friends and be able to enjoy it together. A quantitative research was performed on the same target audience to measure how know-ledge, attitude and behaviour are affected by comparing education provided in comic book form versus education provided in plain-text form. It was found that children who read the comic book significantly learned and remembered more knowledge after two weeks compared to the group that received the education in plain-text form. To create a successful campaign, elements were designed to reinforce the strength of the comic books. An app was designed that functions as a digital reading environment were children can enjoy the comic books together with their classmates, using AR features to enhance the reading experience. The education will be provided via secondary schools on a thematic fire safety day. The goal for the next five years is to successfully implement the campaign and improve fire safety by reaching 200.000 children in at least two countries.