Modular Habitat

Affordable, Circular, Lively

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The goal of this project is to design a high-quality circular housing complex. The challenge lies in finding a balance between creating a circular and high-quality result and making it as cost-effective as possible. Circularity in this design will focus on using prefabricated timber modules that are designed for disassembly. It also entails the circular use of other resources such as energy and water. High-quality in this context stands for a space that aesthetically and socially is pleasant and lively for the inhabitants.

Prefabrication of timber has the potential to create high-quality results in a safer work environment, faster and with lower costs. Timber building products can be categorised in the following prefabrication levels: component, panel and module. Modules are at the last level of completion, and they can comprise a room finished up to 95% until it is moved to the site.