Stochastic Modelling of Randomly Oriented Tapes Thermoplastic Composites in Net-Shaped Specimens

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Discontinuous tape composites have considerable attention due to their high formability and tailorable structures. Despite their advantages, this discontinuity leads to complex structures and makes it difficult to predict their mechanical properties. On the other hand, they have high orientational and dimensional sensitivity, which causes spatial variability and complexity in the structure to predict the mechanical properties. This spatial variability is also related to the mould cavity. A constitutive model was improved to explain the relationship between DT orientations and the mould cavity. According to the modelling technique, a random DT distribution was generated by Random Sequential Adsorption then, the Set Voronoi Tessellation was implemented to obtain DT layers. Afterwards, the Classical Laminate Theory and Finite Element Method were applied to compare the virtual net-shaped DT specimens. The results of both methods showed high stiffness at the edges of the specimens.