Procesos naturales y urbanos en el delta inferior del Paraná

Actores, conflictos y desafíos de un área en constante transformación / Natural and urban processes in the lower Parana delta: actors, conflicts and challenges of an area in constant transformation

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The Lower Parana Delta is a territory in constant transformation as a result of the dynamics of the natural processes and the expansion of Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area. As in any urban delta, land and water management needs to respond to the specific conditions and overcome the limitation of the geographical definitions, jurisdictional borders and environmental dimension. To achieve that, it remains necessary to integrate the study of urban processes and analyze the range of actors involved. The purpose of this article is to explore the conflicts that take place in the area and reflect on the development of integrated strategies at the local level. For that purpose, the main features of the area will be addressed together with the natural and urban transformation processes, to finally present the conflicts product of these transformations and the actors involved.
