Free-floating bikesharing in Mobility as a Service

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The aim of this graduation project is to determine how Mobike can be successful in the Netherlands in the short-term and how Mobike can be successful in the long-term. To answer these questions, in this project research has been conducted on the users of Mobike. Next to that the environment of Mobike has been analyzed, after which a vision has been created about how free-floating bikesharing fits in the mobility of the future.

With the analysis of the environment of Mobike and the user research, the short-term changes for Mobike have been determined: Improving the product on both physical and service level to ensure that Mobike will appeal better to the Dutch users, and increasing the number of cities in which Mobike will be available. Doing so will help Mobike to achieve critical mass. This critical mass is needed to grow fast and thus become successful in the short-term. Improving the product and service also ensures that Mobike can develop a strong brand image and that it is known for their reliable, always available means of urban transport.

To become successful in the future, Mobike is in need of a better grasp of how mobility in the Netherlands will look like in the future and how free-floating bikesharing initiatives like Mobike fit into that future. Together with stakeholders of this future, a vision has been designed of how the customer journey of bikesharing will look like in the future. It also became clear that Mobility as a Service (MaaS) will be part of that future. To ensure that Mobike can benefit most of this MaaS development Mobike has to change its product, service, and business model. Although MaaS will be part of the future, by still offering free-floating means of urban transport through their own application, Mobike can ensure that it thrives best in the market of the future.

Both the findings of how to be successful in the short-term and how to be successful in the long-term have been put in a Roadmap. By following the roadmap, Mobike ensures that it can successfully participate in the Dutch mobility of the future now and in the future.