One small span

Leaping the IJ

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Over the last decades Amsterdam has grown exponentially north of the IJ, and this trend is expected to continue. The number of commuters across the river is expected to increase, but there is currently no fixed connection for cyclists or pedestrians, which use ponds. The municipality has proposed a bridge across the IJ between the Hamerkwartier and Java Island areas. With a large required heights, two movable bridge parts and very little space, this is a complicated case, both on urban design and technical level. A solution was found in a cable stayed bridge with split bridge decks. This complex construction required additional stabilizing elements and supports, but did fulfill the requirements. The end result of this study serves as an indication that the construction of a bridge on this location is possible and can lead to satisfying results, but in this complex case, simplicity as a starting requirement will probably lead to more pleasing design.