Archimede, Research and design of a direct solar heated thermoplastic extruder for Ulundi Local Municipality

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As we all know, plastic pollution is a global problem that is constantly growing, with adverse effects on societies, humans, and wildlife.
Many initiatives are focusing on reducing and lowering the effects of plastic pollution. Nevertheless, this phenomenon is growing on a daily basis.
Most of the harmful effects of plastic pollution are found in low and mid-income countries, where waste management is lacking because of the scarcity of infrastructures and recycling facilities. On the other side, since they are located in equatorial zones of the globe, these countries hold a very high potential, the solar heat.
The proposed solution strives to recycle plastic by combining the technologies of thermoplastic extrusion and parabolic trough collectors in order to create an electricity independent plastic extruder powered by solar heat. The electricity freedom feature permits creating an itinerating Product Service system that allows to recycle plastic in suburbs and zones lacking waste management plans and electricity services.