Applying Collaborative Design to Spatial Redesign

A Case Study at PostNL Parcels Benelux

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Collaborative design processes can have many advantages for companies as a way of better problem solving by incorporating diverging views. The combination of collaborative design and spatial redesign has not extensively been applied so far. This research aims at exploring how collaborative design can be used for workplace lay-out redesign challenges on an intra-organizational level. However, involving different organizational stakeholders with multiple perspective is both a solution as well as a new problem concerning the incorporation of multiple viewpoints and how management should integrate collaboration outcomes in their decision-making processes. In this research a case study intervention is organized at PNP, as part of design science research, in which two design workshops are facilitated to allow organizational stakeholders to participate in the redesign of a specific workplace lay-out configuration. The results is a conceptual framework on how collaborative design should be used for lay-out redesign challenges. Future research should address individual factors, such as personality and acceptance/ownership outcomes after an implementation processes is finished.