Bimodule coefficients, Riesz transforms on Coxeter groups and strong solidity

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In deformation-rigidity theory, it is often important to know whether certain bimodules are weakly contained in the coarse bimodule. Consider a bimodule H over the group algebra C[Γ] with Γ a discrete group. The starting point of this paper is that if a dense set of the so-called coefficients of H is contained in the Schatten Sp class p 2 [2; 1/, then the n-fold tensor power HΓ˝n for n ≥ p2 is quasi-contained in the coarse bimodule. We apply this to gradient bimodules associated with the carré du champ of a symmetric quantum Markov semi-group. For Coxeter groups, we give a number of characterizations of having coefficients in Sp for the gradient bimodule constructed from the word length function. We get equivalence of: (1) the gradient-Sp property introduced by the second named author, (2) smallness at infinity of a natural compactification of the Coxeter group, and for a large class of Coxeter groups, (3) walks in the Coxeter diagram called parity paths. We derive several strong solidity results. In particular, we extend current strong solidity results for right-angled Hecke von Neumann algebras beyond right-angled Coxeter groups that are small at infinity. Our general methods also yield a concise proof of a result by Sinclair for discrete groups admitting a proper cocycle into a p-integrable representation.