High Piezoelectric Voltage Coefficient in Structured Lead-Free (K,Na,Li)NbO3 Particulate—Epoxy Composites

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A high-voltage coefficient has been found in lead-free piezoelectric particulate composites based on epoxy with lead-free (K0.50Na0.50)0.94Li0.06NbO3 (KNLN) piezoceramic particles with a natural cubic morphology. The KNLN powder used in the composites has been prepared using a new solid-state double calcination processing route. These particles were subsequently used to create random and structured KNLN-epoxy composites. Using dielectrophoresis, these natural cubical KNLN particles were structured into one-dimensional chains inside the epoxy matrix. Composites produced with these powders showed piezoelectric properties about a factor of 2 higher than those of composites processed with conventionally calcined KNLN powders. The dielectrophoretically structured KNLN-epoxy composites with optimized particle size and morphology showed excellent piezoelectric properties, which can replace lead containing piezoelectric composites for sensor and energy harvesting applications in future.