The MediaEval 2016 Context of Experience Task

Recommending Videos Suiting a Watching Situation

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In this paper we present an overview of the Context of ExperienceTask: recommending videos suiting a watching situationwhich is part of the MediaEval 2016 Benchmark. Theaim of the task is to explore multimedia content that iswatched under a certain situation. The scope of the thisyears task lies on movies watched during a flight. We hypothesizethat users will have different preferences for moviesthat are watched during a flight compared to when a movieis watched at home or the cinema. This is most probablyinfluenced by the context and the devices used to watch. Inthe case of being on a flight, the context is clearly differentto normal situation (noise, compact, bad air) and also thedevices differ (small screens, bad audio quality). The maingoal of the task is to estimate if a person would like to watcha certain movie on the airplane or not. As dataset we providea large collection of movies, collected from an airline,including pre-extracted visual, text and audio features.
