Modelling of sedimentation processes inside Roseires Reservoir (Sudan) (discussion)

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Discussion paper. Roseires Reservoir, located on the Blue Nile River, in Sudan, is the first trap to the sediments coming from the upper catchment in Ethiopia, which suffers from high erosion and desertification problems. The reservoir lost already more than one third of its 5 storage capacity due to sedimentation in the last four decades. Appropriate management of the eroded area in the upper basin could mitigate this problem. In order to do that, the areas providing the highest sediment volumes to the river have to be identified, since they should have priority with respect to the application of erosion control practices. This requires studying the sedimentation record inside Roseires Reservoir, 10 with the aim of identifying when and how much sediment from a certain area is deposited. The identification of deposition time is derived from soil stratification inside the reservoir. This requires expensive coring campaigns that need to be optimized. The most promising sampling coring areas were therefore selected beforehand by combining bathymetric data and the results of a depth-averaged morphodynamic model able 15 to record vertical stratification in sediment deposits. The model allowed recognising the areas that are potentially neither subject to net erosion nor to bar migration during the life span of the reservoir. Verification of these results was carried out by analysing sediment stratification from the data collected in subsequent field campaign.