A training system for track sprinters

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This report describes the design process of a training system for track sprinters that gives feedback about the sprint technique in order to make improvements. The graduation project is focused on the interaction for effective feedback (what, how and when) between the system and the athlete and coach. According to the literature research the combination of stride frequency and stride length are most important for a good sprint technique. Field research showed that focus points are used throughout the training to improve technique. With the use of literature research, explorations in the field and a test with the available technology, it is determined to give feedback on the track, during the training session. Then, athletes can improve their technique on the spot, which is an important conclusion from the research. The stride frequency and stride length are measured with a GPS integrated three dimensional accelerometer. The conclusions of the analysis phase are used as input for a design vision and for inspiration throughout the project. It was chosen to develop a concept in which the user can preset a goal to focus on one or more particular focus points. After the athlete has performed a sprint run, the measured data is transferred to a computer. Then, feedback is available in three separate screens. In the first screen feedback is displayed about the time, average speed, top speed, average stride frequency and average stride length. The results are compared to the goal and can be compared to the previous run as well. Furthermore, it is possible to review the course of the performed runs in the second screen. The results per segment of the race are displayed in line graphs, one for each parameter. In this screen the segment results of last run can be compared to the segment results of the two previous runs. In the third screen all results are presented in a table for a complete overview of the performances of several runs. In the final phase of the project, the design is evaluated with a user test. Therefore, an interactive prototype is built, in which the real results of a run performed by the participant are displayed. Several athletes participated in the evaluation test to find points of improvement. Finally, improvements and recommendations for further development are made.


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