Motion Reference Unit Testing Platform

MRU Assessment

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In order to make offshore working conditions safer, Ampelmann B.V. builds platforms that stay stable by compensating for a ship’s motion. These platforms are controlled via motion reference units (MRUs). In order to test the performances of these MRUs, a linear motion MRU test setup was developed. The system was divided into three parts: hardware, software and MRU assessment. This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of the MRU assessment part and on testing MRUs with the complete prototype setup.
Ampelmann supplied the MRU with which the test were conducted. Validation tests have been done with a simulator and with the setup itself. Included in the assessment of the MRUs was the latency, signal-tonoise ratio and low-frequency behaviour, compared to a ground truth. Concluded from the tests was that the designed test setup has potential to accurately assess the performance of MRUs. There are some minor improvements to be made, but the overall system works as intended.