Service and product opportunities for a sustainable energy company to motivate younger household starters contribute to make their household sustainable

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While technological development, people began to pay extensive attention to climate issues and reduce the impact of human life on the planet through actions. House-hold energy as one of the main energy consumption is considered as an important direction to improve energy problems. Greenchoice as a green energy provider is willing to contribute to sustainable development through its efforts to help all people make their green choices. Involve the younger household starters from 20-30 as a new target group and expanding their market is their next step of development. This research project aims to find factors that can influence the decision-making related to household energy of the target group and translated these factors into opportunities for Greenchoice to attract these people.
Desk research is done to explore the trends in the development of household energy. Besides, how do other researchers analyse the attractive factors for people to choose household energy-related products or services is explored to support this research project in building the structures.
The target group research is built based on the personas of current customers and a previous project on understanding the meaning of sustainable household energy for the target group and their lifestyle. To further measure the priority of the factors mentioned in these two data, quantitative research is built. More potential factors are selected and the lifestyle of the target group is mapped by 3 personas.
To apply these factors to suitable products or services to attract the target group, a workshop based on a decision-making process is designed to discover the need of the target group and their desired solutions. For each group of participants their needs, possible solving process and reasons related to their lifestyles are collected.
Finally, data from workshops is summarized as design opportunities for Greenchocie to attract younger household starters by providing products and services to satisfy their needs. These opportunities and the strategy for Greenchoice to achieve its vision through products and services are visualized by a roadmap with three steps (horizons). In the end, the limitation of this research and related recommendations are presented to support with future development of the result.