Measured spatial variability of beach erosion due to aeolian processes.

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This paper shows the first results of measured spatial variability of beach erosion due to aeolian processes during the recently conducted SEDEX2 field experiment at Long Beach, Washington, U.S.A.. Beach erosion and sedimentation were derived using series of detailed terrestrial LIDAR measurements of beach morphology during three low tide periods. Results show significant measured sedimentation and erosion up to 10-20 mm/hour during moderate wind conditions. Spatial variability in bed level changes were found which appeared to be related to the wind orientation and varying bed level characteristics. Around the high waterline, erosion is found during onshore winds whereas sedimentation is observed on the upper beach. The terrestrial lidar data also resolves the migration of bed forms migrating on the upper beach demonstrating its utility of for a range of aeolian sediment transport applications.
