On the Design of a Micropropulsion Based Inflation System for Beyond Earth Orbit CubeSat Inflatable Reflectors

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In recent years an exciting new era of space exploration has begun with the advent of the beyond Earth orbit CubeSat (BEOC) missions. However, utilizing the CubeSat platform for such missions gives rise to a series of significant technological challenges. Fortunately, the field of inflatable space structures offers some tantalizing solutions to these challenges. Unfortunately, at present the development of these structures is hampered by a technological gap in the required inflation systems. In order to fill this gap, this thesis proposes the development of inflation system optimized for such applications, based on the field of micropropulsion technology. In pursuit of this goal, the main research question shall address the design adjustments required in order to adapt current micropropulsion technology for this purpose. To answer this question the research objectives of the thesis are to first develop a preliminary design for an inflatable BEOC reflector and then, having generated inflation requirements based on this structure, design a custom micropropulsion based inflation system.

This approach involves first identifying a BEOC inflatable reflector design whose continued development will play a key role in enabling and enhancing the development of BEOC missions and inflatable space structures in general. Then the structure is designed with particular focus on the key design considerations that impact the requirements of the inflation system. Following the design of the structure, the requirements for the inflation system are generated. Informed by these requirements, a trade off analysis identified a cold gas system as the most suitable micropropulsion system for inflation applications, as well as the inflation gas and a suitable inflation scheme. After this, the design of the inflation system is performed. It is found that in order to satisfy the inflation system requirements, apart from a unique design approach for the inflation nozzle, minimal design adjustments are required to cold gas micropropulsion technology for inflation purposes. This result demonstrates the feasibility of utilizing micropropulsion technology for the development of optimized inflation systems and provides a clear indication that such systems can play a key role in enhancing and enabling the development of BEOC inflatable structures.