Steering Product Formation in Anaerobic Digestion Systems

The effect of elevated CO2 partial pressure on the fermentative degradation of pyruvate and butyrate by a mixed microbial consortium

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In the context of steering product formation in anaerobic digestion systems, the present thesis work elaborates on the potential role of elevated CO2 partial pressures as an environmental driver that may influence end-product selectivity from methane towards compounds from the carboxylic platform. As an emerging field of research, organic acid production via mixed culture fermentation is currently in an exploratory phase and the understanding of basic functional principles driving each of the biochemical conversions of interest is of vital importance.The present investigation forms part of a series of studies conjunctively aimed at elucidating the effect of elevated CO2 partial pressures on glucose fermentation, which consists of a complex network of several metabolic routes. Specifically, this thesis work focuses on the effects of CO2 partial pressure on the degradation of two key metabolites that are central and/or highly relevant to the glucose conversion pathways, namely pyruvate and butyrate.