Efficient simulation of non-hydrostatic free-surface flow

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A numerical non-hydrostatic 2DV free surface flow model has been developed. The equations are based on the Navier-Stokes equations without friction, and are solved in the co-ordinate system. In the model, the number of pressure layers can be chosen independently of the number of horizontal velocity layers. This extra degree of freedom allows, at minimal computational effort, for a high vertical resolution of the horizontal velocities, which is needed for the simulation of density currents or transport problems. With splines, a continuous pressure function is constructed, using the discrete pressure in the vertical. This pressure function is used to estimate the pressure in-between the pressure layers, such as dictated by multiple velocity layers. The model is applied for simulation of short wave propagation. The behavior of a standing wave in a closed basin is simulated, as well as wave propagation over a trapezoidal bar. It is shown that the model allows for a significant reduction of computational effort, while maintaining a high resolution.