Phase retrieval from multiple binary masks generated speckle patterns

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We present a reference-less and time-multiplexing phase retrieval method by making use of the digital micromirror device (DMD). In this method, the DMD functions not only as a flexible binary mask which modulates the optical field, but also as a sampling mask for measuring corresponding phases, which makes the whole setup simple and robust. The DMD reflection forms a sparse intensity mask in the pupil which produces speckle pattern after propagation. With the recorded intensity on the camera and the binary pattern on the DMD, the phase in all the ‘on’ pixels can be reconstructed at once by solving inverse problems with iterative methods, for instance using Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm. Then the phase of the whole pupil can be reconstructed from a series of binary patterns and speckle patterns. Numerical experiments show the feasibility of this phase retrieval method and the importance of sparse binary masks in the improving of convergence speed.


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