Towards a positive city experience

A research-by-design in utilizing experience as a stimulant for the prosperity of Vlissingen

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This thesis project on Vlissingen is an account of the research being carried out during the graduation year of the Urbanism faculty, resulting in a design oriented project within the research group ‘Design of the Urban Fabric’.

The thesis consist of three parts: I. Research setup, II. Research and III. Design. It is divided into six chapters, respectively (1) investigating the problem, (2) setting up a methodological framework, (3) researching: what is experience, (4) analysing the spatial and socio-cultural conditions, (5) experimenting with possible future scenarios and lastly (6) developing a strategic plan and design interventions that address the problems.

The problem statement outlines that in Vlissingen trends have bigger impact then elsewhere, because the experience that the city offers, is affected. The city cannot compete on the field of city experience, which leads to a setback in prosperity, an indistinct identity and a negative city image. Since the inner city is representative, it should function optimally, so it has to turn into a place of experience. Six spatial problems make that this is currently not the case. Furthermore, the city is facing three main trends: growing harbour activity, an aging and shrinking population and growing tourism.

In possible future scenarios is researched how to address the spatial problems and at the same time how to deal with the possible impact the trends can have on the inner city. In the first scenario the harbour industry becomes important on a European scale and the prosperity of the city skyrockets. In the second scenario the population shrinks and especially elderly are attracted to the city. In the third scenario the touristic pressure increases and tourism becomes versatile and covers the whole year. The scenarios formulate recommendations for the spatial problematics and explain which developments should be stimulated and which should be limited or avoided, to continue in the direction of the optimal strategy.

The most reasonable concepts, relevant recommendations and design interventions result in the strategy concept to create a high-quality network that attracts a high-quality program and a diverse audience. This high-quality network consists of multiple layers regarding mobility, program and image quality. Design interventions show how the layers come together and how to actual design a place of experience. Furthermore, they show how the design of the public space can ensure a specific place unites with the past, present and future.

The design of the high-quality network will enable the inner city to function properly and become a place of experience, where trends will have less impact, prosperity is able to grow and an identity is able to emerge.