Finding most used software application by using a time-dependency graph

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Using open-source packages when developing software applications is the general practice among a vast amount of software developers. However, importing open-source code which may depend on other existing technologies may lead to the appearance of a transitive dependency chain. As a result, failure of packages with a high amount of transitive dependants may have an impact on the performance of all dependant applications. This work focuses on designing a graph data structure which maps the dependency relationship between packages as edges, with nodes representing a single version of a certain package. Moreover, the data structure may perform queries based on time intervals, being able to resolve versions in the same manner as a package distributor would. By constructing such data structure, an analysis of the most critical packages for an ecosystem can be conducted. This paper looks mainly into the Debian ecosystem, and searches for applications which are most critical. Based on this paper criticality evaluation, the package dpkg was found to be both most critical and most used in whole Debian's package main repository.