On the Assessment of the Potential of Topology Optimization

in the Maritime Construction Sector

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Topology Optimization is an optimization problem based on the distribution of material within a design domain under specific load states. The goal of this technology is minimizing a certain function, such as compliance, mass or frequency.
This technology can improve the performance of components in different fields within the shipbuilding industry, depending on the function of the element and which type of ship they belong to. The three areas of application in which this technology was thought to have a big impact were weight reduction, aesthetics and comfort.
It is a common thought that Topology Optimization could only help to the diminution of mass of bodies. Nonetheless, this reduction of weight does not benefit to all the ships. Cargo ships with a cargo limitation due to volume are less likely to take an advantage of its lightweight cutback than those with a cargo capacity limitation by weight. Moreover, vessels with a very low center of gravity would suffer stability disorders, such as cruise ships.
The area of aesthetics was studied from a different point of view: now the construction industry was not perceived as only dedicated to maintain the integrity of structures, but an artistic point of view was explored with the target of resembling the ideas of consumers and transmitting feelings to customers. Vessels with a greater interest in the appearance are the ones dedicated to the transport of passengers, such as ferries and cruise ships and also those ships with a focus on the luxurious face of the marine construction sector, such as yachts.
In the search of improvements regarding comfort, the focus was kept on the vibration phenomenon and the occurrence of noise. Vibrations are harmful for machinery, crew, passengers and the overall structure of the craft and therefore is an issue to be avoided as much as possible. With this target, Topology Optimization was applied on a mast under certain circumstances, taking into account the amount and allocation of navigation devices these elements must carry.
This thesis aims to give an introduction to what can be achieved with the technology of Topology Optimization in the maritime sector. Although no decisive results were achieved for some of the previously presented elements, findings were attained and the potential of this application is positive. Nevertheless, more research is required in order to build solid confirmations about the profitability of the implementation of Topology Optimization. Moreover, manufacturing processes, and more specifically Additive Manufacturing is to be grown in order to fulfill the structural requirements of the optimal components. This refers not only to the fabrication process itself, but also to the implementation of this methodology in Regulations by Classification Societies.