Logical Design and Implementation of the Data Model for 3D Cadastre in China

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The establishment of 3D cadastre is imperative and needs support from legal, organizational and technological aspects. In Shenzhen, China, establishment of 3D cadastre has achievedgreat progress. The joint register mechanism was employedfirstly in Shenzhen, and related research is going on, including definitions, visualization and topological analysis of the property objects(e.g. 2D property objects, 3D property objects), and they are all based on the cadastre-oriented 3D spatial data model which is already proposed. In this data model, both 2D property objects and 3D property objects can be represented. In this paper, more analysisabout this data model is given, including retrospection of the history of designing the corresponding conceptual model, detailed analysis of the corresponding logical model, explanations about how to design tables based on the relational database, analysis about the normal form(NF), etc. Finally, taking several 3D parcels in Shenzhen, China as an example, detailed contents of tables stored in Oracle are shown, and comparison between two storage modes(i.e. the implicit mode, the explicit mode) of body information is given.