Design guidelines towards humanization and Artificial Intelligence in the Intensive Care Unit

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This report describes a graduation project for the MSc program Strategic Product Design. The client in this project is the Erasmus MC in the Netherlands and commissions this project incorporation with the Critical Alarms Lab (CAL) of the TU Delft. The Erasmus MC and CAL want to improve the experience of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) both for patients and for the stakeholders surrounding the patient. They are also interested in using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data to benefit ICU patients. A research project is set up to find how the experience for ICU patients can be improved and how AI can play a role in the ICU. Therefore, the research questions of this project is defined as: “How should the intensive care unit of the Erasmus MC innovate in the coming years to give critically ill patients a humane experience?”. The research resulted in a future vision that describes different values for the ICU of the Erasmus MC. Also, it is described what consider concerning humanization and Artificial Intelligence in the ICU of the future. Secondly, the research results in design guidelines that can be used by the Erasmus MC or designers to design for the ICU and ICU patient. The investigation into the ICU, the ICU patient, stakeholders with influence on the ICU and the future vision come together in a website. This website can be used to retrieve information, used as a guide or function as an inspiration for designers for healthcare.