The Smart Frame 2.0: An redesign for the exposition setup for 3D-printed replica

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The project is part of 3D fine art reproduction program in the faculty of industrial design engineering.
The Smart Frame, as the name of the exposition setup for 3D printed fine art reproductions, was designed to provide specific information regarding the content of the painting and the technique of the painter in an universal way. However, there is no clear proposition of the valuable outcome for a target user group in a certain context. Hence, this follow-up project will first gain insight from the current user experience of the Smart Frame, then define target group based on the various expectation of art museum visitors. In order to make the new design of the exposition setup more convincing and promising, this project will also illustrate the future vision of art museums. Followed by the proposition, an user-orientated design goal and interaction vision will be formulated. Finally, there will be a redesign of the Smart Frame (the Smart Frame 2.0) aiming at the fulfillment of the design brief. Therefore, the design assignment for this graduation is:
“To redesign the Smart Frame for optimizing user experience after clarifying its proposition”