Implementation road map and conditions for success

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This chapter is the last from four chapters. Based on the e-waste development cycle approach introduced in Chapter 2 and the structured impact assessment of Chapter 3, Chapter 4 provided many possible interventions and experiences in the domains of Policy and Legislation, Business and Finance, and Technologies and Skills. These intervention options are placed in perspective in Chapter 5, representing part 4 of the e-waste development cycle. It provides guidance for the actual decision processes by listing all intervention options, the selection and grouping of options, and translation of the results into a national roadmap. The value of the road map is that all key information, the allocation of roles and responsibilities, plus timing and resources are converging into one reference document. When implemented, three additional development areas are crucial conditions to success: “Monitoring and Control” is required to monitor performance and to intervene in case of noncompliance. “Awareness and Education” is vital for both collection and long-term societal acceptance. “Design Feedback” is relevant as a key prevention area, requiring continuous attention. The new iterative "á la carte” e-waste development approach allows a more focused, forward-looking and fact-based decision process that can be implemented in a flexible, feasible, and faster way. This contributes directly globally to the SDG-12 of Sustainable Production and Consumption for the electronics sector.