Effect of matrix self-healing on the bond-slip behavior of micro steel fibers in ultra-high-performance concrete

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This study investigates the bond-slip behavior of micro steel fibers embedded into an Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) matrix as affected by the self-healing of the same matrix in different exposure conditions. The UHPC matrix contains a crystalline admixture as a promoter of the autogenous self-healing specially added to enhance the durability in the cracked state. For the aforesaid purpose, some samples were partially pre-damaged with controlled preload (fiber pre-slip at different levels) and subjected to one-month exposure in 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution and in tap water to study the fiber corrosion, if any, and the effects of self-healing; after that, they were subjected to a pull-out test, to be compared with the behavior of analogous non-pre-slipped samples undergoing the same curing history. Moreover, some samples were cured in the chloride solution, intended to simulate a marine environment, to study the effect of marine curing on the pull-out behavior of steel fiber. The steel fiber corrosion and self-healing products attached to the surface of the steel fiber were analyzed via Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy -Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). The results indicate that the newly healed particles formed on the highly damaged fiber-matrix interface significantly enhance the friction phase of the bond-slip behavior and result in a significant residual capacity compared to non-pre-slipped specimens. On the other hand, the self-healing effect in specimens subjected to low damage pre-slip contributed more to the chemical adhesion region of the bond-slip behavior. Owning to the dense microstructure of the matrix, curing in 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution was not found to significantly affect the pull-out resistance as compared to the samples cured in tap water.


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- Embargo expired in 11-04-2024