The Eagle

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SeaState5 wants to facilitate the monitoring process for seabed cables of offshore wind farms. The company wants to achieve this by creating an unmanned vessel, named the Eagle, which can be analyzed from a remote location.

As students from TU Delft, we have been tasked to create a software framework that allows the Eagle to go to a location by receiving instructions from the user, and to send environmental data back to shore via a long-range connection. In addition, telemetry should be possible using short-range communication.

The software framework for the Eagle has been built with the design goals of modularity and stability in mind. The user is able to configure the Eagle by adjusting a configuration file. This way, the Eagle pursues a modular design; sensor can be attached and detached without changing the software, only an alteration of the configuration file is required. The Eagle is capable of collecting environmental data, and storing it into a local database. The Eagle also contains in-memory data storage for each sensor. Periodically, the Eagle will send data to the cloud using long range communication. And at last, he Eagle is also capable of retrieving instructions from the cloud. Those instructions allow the eagle to perform specific tasks.