Flying V and Reference Aircraft Structural Analysis and Mass Comparison

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This paper is a representation of the research that has been performed with regards of the weight estimation of the Flying V and its conventional reference aircraft. The goal is to establish the feasibility of the Flying V as a structural concept. In order to do this a structural model of the Flying V has been created, as well as the design and structural model of a conventional reference aircraft. This paper will cover every step required to design and analyze both models, while at the same time making sure that both models can be compared to each other. By implementing a chain of 6 software packages both models started at parametric conceptual design and were developed to the point where they have been analyzed using the finite element method to obtain the (FEM) structural mass. Chapter 2 gives an overview of the entire process. Both the set-up of the thesis and its process flow are discussed here, as well as a detailed goal statement. In Chapter 3 the design mission was established. In addition, the design requirements are mentioned as well. Both the requirements and mission are the same for both aircraft. Chapter 4 describes conceptual design of the reference aircraft. Herein the used assumptions were stated and explained, and the resulting graphical and parametric model was shared. Chapter 5 does the same for the Flying V. Chapter 6 explains how the graphical models were appended in order to obtain a full three dimensional model, ready for the analysis. It was explained how ZORRO-X was applied to do this, and manual corrections were discussed as well. The loading of the models is described in Chapter 7, it describes how ODILILA was implemented to obtain the different aerodynamic loads. Ground loads and mass distributions were obtained in this chapter as well. From this, the initial C.G. ranges were established. Load cases were build up by combining aero, mass and ground loads. In total 22 load cases were used during the sizing optimization. The FEM optimization was initiated in Chapter 8. This was done by mapping the aforementioned loads and setting the design criteria and constraints. Finally, the results are summarized in Chapter 9. The results include the analysis of critical load cases, critical design constraint, thicknesses and displacements of both the Flying V and the reference aircraft. It was found that while the Flying V still has some structural problems at the kink and nose-fuselage intersection, the overall FEM mass of the Flying V is still lighter than that of the conventional reference aircraft. It is expected that the proposed solutions for the structural problems will not influence the mass to such an extent that this is no longer the case. Therefore, the conclusion, stated in Chapter 10, is that the Flying V is indeed a viable structural concept. Based on current results it is expected that after further development proposed in Chapter 11, the Flying V might even prove not only viable but even desirable compared to conventional aircraft.


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