Jnah public school

How to design a new public school in a way that it becomes a public asset?

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“The education system in Lebanon is at risk of collapse, with devastating consequences for children...” (Human Rights Watch, 2021) The Lebanese government has been unable to provide basic education to at least 700.000 children. This is about one third of all children that should have access to education. On a surface level, this problem seems to be caused by the way the Lebanese government has been dealing with recent issues such as the port explosion, covid-19 and the countries debt causing hyperinflation. When looking deeper in the education system of Lebanon, it becomes clear that there is a systematic lack of funding from the government for public schools. A review of the education in Lebanon from 2017 writes that 70% of all enrolled students go to private schools. This is a big financial burden on families.1 This review also describes how only 2,45% of GDP is spent by the government on public education. In contrast, the average spending on education by European countries is 4,0% of the GDP. The research that will be conducted will evaluate the possibilities public school architecture could have in the suburbs of Beirut if provided with the right amount of funding. Also, in what way it could benefit the public as a whole. The research question of this paper is : How to design a new public school in a way that it becomes a public asset?