Epoxy based nanocomposites for high voltage DC applications: synthesis, dielectric properties and space charge dynamics

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There are two big frontiers on opposite sides of the size spectrum in the 21st century. Space exploration is on one end of the spectrum. The other side of the spectrum is the exploration of the nanoscale. In both cases we have limitations of how much of it we can see, even with the help of modern telescopes and microscopes. Nanotechnology has been inadvertently in use already for centuries. But only with recent advancement in imaging technology we are actually able to get a glimpse into the nanorealm and can comprehend its implications. Nanostructured materials for high voltage design and engineering have been an important research topic since the early 1990ies, and gained recognition by the end of the 20th century as first experimental results promised unbridled potential. It turned out soon, that nanocomposites can only reach their potential if the filler material is well distributed within the base material.