Backyard Beauty
Powerplant of 2050
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In 2050 the characteristics of the Port of Amsterdam will be totally changed. Enormous developments will change our area to a highly dense urban city. The Hemweg centrale will be closed down, but how can we create our energy then? The demand for energy will increase. New technique shows other ways of creating energy, like nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is a way of creating energy in the same way as the sun. With intense heat atoms will merge and in this progress the atoms will create a lot of energy. This new type of creating energy is safe, does not contribute to the greenhouses gases and the fuel is cheap and virtually limitless. But how to design a powerplant in a dense urban city? My powerplant will stand in a park and it will attract people with the additional function. Normally a powerplant is locked behind a fence. But there is a new movement, namely a more public powerplant. In 2050 this type will be a normal phenomenon. My powerplant will stand in a park and it will attract people with the additional function. In the building, just like a heart, the machine produces energy. This process is visible and the plinth is public. There is also a route through the building that explains the process of processing energy. All these characteristics are need for a powerplant that fits the need of 2050.