A compound communal terminal to confront the developmental and flooding crisis

The legacy of the old port area of Xiangtan

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This project is mainly about the revitalization of the old port area of the Chinese city Xiangtan. As a riverside city located in the south part of China, Xiangtan has been through a long historical period during which some of the most formative moments of Chinese politics and economy happened. As the departure point and the cultural core of the city, the old port area, however, is now marginalized by the urban expansion and economic growth which impoverishes the old port area even more. Meanwhile, the old port area of Xiangtan is an urban area suffering from yearly flooding, during which the local residents have no choice but to move to other safe space provided by the government.
The basic design vision is to intervene the site area with a flood-proof urban scale built environment for local people to stay during flooding, introduce several positive programmes, and let them be the triggering factor towards a prosperous future of the vernacular community at the same time.