Atmospheres and materiality

redesign of the Leyweg shopping mall

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The article discusses the challenges of revitalizing shopping malls as heritage sites in the 21st century, due to their vacancy and deterioration resulting from depersonalization. The proposed approach called "tabula scripta" embraces the existing layers and context, requiring a broadening and deepening of the profession of architecture to focus on sensory perception, particularly tactile experiences. The article highlights the homogenization of architecture due to a reduction in observation by designers and suggests the use of natural materials to convey age and multiple layers of development. The research project focused on the materiality and design of shopping malls, particularly the Lijnbaan ensemble in Rotterdam and the Leyweg shopping mall in The Hague. The results revealed the loss of coherence over time and the need for culturally sensitive interventions in the Leyweg mall. The discussion highlights the importance of site-specific design, particularly in the unique cultural context of the Morgenstond district in The Hague, emphasizing the need for interventions that account for specific materiality and reflect diverse community experiences.