Redesigning Waste

The Change of perception and implementation of (plastic) waste into the built environment.

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The way the western society currently treats waste is hazardous and can threaten not only the public health but also (very delicate) eco systems. Annually over 87 million tonnes of plastic are being produced. Only 2 % is reintroduced into the original purpose. The rest of this plastic is downcycled, landfilled, burned or leaked into the environment. Because plastic hardly deteriorates and the production of plastic with will not decrease anytime soon these problems will increase over time.

The building industry is the biggest consumer of raw materials and has one of the biggest carbon dioxide emissions of the world, therefore the building industry should act in a responsible and responsive way. We have to change our linear economy into a circular economy and thereby change our way of working, living and designing.

Redesigning waste focuses on the implementation of the plastic waste stream into the built environment. One of the main focus points understanding plastic as a material and where the negative connotation latched on to this material is coming from and then shifting (the public’s) perception towards a more positive outlook on this alien material. By consulting relevant literature, companies who have experience in the working field and potential customers a (new) roadmap towards the topic of creating value in this undervalued materials has been created.