Extraction and accuracy assessment of high-resolution DEM and derived orthoimages from ALOS-PRISM data over Sahel-Doukkala (Morocco)

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In Sahel-Doukkala, which is characterized by lands of a relatively low relief, global DEMs and DEMs generated from digitizing topographic maps, have been the primary source of several multidisciplinary researches. Although these products present a great value of the conducted research, the level of the given accuracy is not sufficient enough for detailed geospatial analysis. These requirements led us to generate a high-resolution DEM as an alternative of available global DEMs or/and DEMs generated from digitizing topographic maps. In this study, we present a workflow to extract high-resolution DEM at 5 m resolution and derived orthoimages from ALOS-PRISM data over Sahel-Doukkala, through photogrammetric techniques, using a variation of GCPs obtained from topographic maps at scale 1:25,000. The accuracy of the generated products is reported according to NSSDA standards. Using ten GCPs, a PRISM-DEM with 3.88 m vertical accuracy and 11.60 m horizontal accuracy, both at 95% confidence level is obtained. This DEM will serve as base dataset for further detailed geospatial analysis and mapping applications in order to identify the relationship between surface parameters and groundwater, and also to assess and understand all factors influencing the development of karst landscapes and consequently subsurface stability in the investigated area.