Visualization tools

for the OpenQL compiler

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The rapid progress quantum devices have made in recent years has led to the need for systems that bridge the gap between quantum algorithms and quantum hardware. To this purpose different full-stack quantum programming platforms have been developed, providing high level languages for expressing quantum algorithms and providing compilers for making those quantum algorithms executable on a given quantum device. OpenQL is one such a platform, with support for compiling a variety of quantum program inputs into a quantum circuit, ready to be executed on the targeted quantum hardware. OpenQL is an evolving tool in which new features are constantly added to improve its performance and extend its functionality. In order to enhance OpenQL and provide some extra support to the researchers using OpenQL for their experiments, a visualization tool with three main functionalities has been developed in this thesis project. First, a circuit visualizer, with support for both visualizing the circuit output of the OpenQL compiler as an abstract gate representation and a pulse representation, which has been made specifically for quantum hardware running on superconducting qubits. Secondly, a mapping graph visualizer, which allows displaying the logical to physical qubit mapping per program cycle. And lastly a qubit interaction graph generator, which shows the required interactions between qubits of a given quantum algorithm.