Future Highway Dwellings

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This paper will discuss what kind of technical solutions can be integrated into a building to be able to create livable dwellings or living areas nearby or next to a highway. With the growing population, cities tend to grow as well. As they grow, city parts and neighborhoods will be build closer and closer to the already existing infrastructures. This means that dwellings will be build nearby highways that were not designed to protect their surroundings from its sound power levels. Nowadays the most common solution is to create a green buffer zone between the highway and the residents. However, in the future we will have to built closer to highways. This means that technical solutions have to be found to solve the entailing problems of a highway. With this project I tried to prove that one can orientate dwellings towards highways, using technical solutions for sound and health issues integrated into the building skin, if this is benefitial for daylighting without compromising the privacy of the residents.