Developing reusable packaging for FMCG

Consumers’ perceptions of benefits and risks of refillable and returnable packaging systems

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This research investigates consumers’ perception of two main types of reusable packaging systems: refillable and returnable packaging systems. An online experiment was conducted with Dutch consumers (n=250) in which attitudinal and behavioural responses to two reusable packaging systems were compared to the responses to disposable packaging. We created three types of packaging (disposable, refillable and returnable) for either food (ketchup) and non-food (shampoo) products. Results showed that consumers evaluate refillable and returnable packaging positively. Three benefits (environmental benefits, anticipated conscience and enjoyment) and three risks (contamination, complexity and performance risks) of reusable packaging are measured in this study. This research contributes to theunderstanding of consumers’ perception of reusable packaging systems, which can help future designers and companies to design their systems more effectively.


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- Embargo expired in 17-07-2024