
1 records found

Developing reusable packaging for FMCG

Consumers’ perceptions of benefits and risks of refillable and returnable packaging systems

This research investigates consumers’ perception of two main types of reusable packaging systems: refillable and returnable packaging systems. An online experiment was conducted with Dutch consumers (n=250) in which attitudinal and behavioural responses to two reusable packaging ...


19 records found

This report is a graduation thesis for the master Integrated Product Design at the Delft University of Technology. Carried out in collaboration with Philips Design in the Netherlands. The project is about how to engage consumers in the transition from a linear towards a circular ...

E-nvironmentally friendly

A design tool towards positive consumer perception of recycled plastic in electronic products

An essential step on the way to a circular economy is utilizing recycled materials for new products. Even though the use of recycled plastic has been increasing for the past decades, electronic products have been largely overlooked in this context. Currently, there are no design ...

A strategic roadmap for DHL towards a sustainable last mile delivery solution for cities in 2030

A customer centred design approach for a last-mile delivery solution in 2030

The e-commerce market is growing rapidly in the last decade. The growth of this industry is causing several challenges. These include a larger number of parcels delivered at service points and the CO2 emitted in the parcel delivery. Especially the last mile delivery is a CO2 inte ...

Circular kitchen appliances

Designing an oven to enable refurbishment

The Dutch government wants to be circular in 2050. The industry of kitchens and kitchen appliances needs new innovative models of practice to reduce its environmental footprint. As kitchen appliance manufacturer, ATAG Benelux is investing in innovation to create more sustainable ...

Strategic Design of a Medical Consumable

From product to circular service

The world of today is facing a large environmental challenge. We all need to reduce our impact to remain sustainable. Companies must look at a more circular approach of producing their goods. Without consumers engaging in circular behavior however, the circular economy will not r ...

Fighting premature obsolescence

Design guidelines to increase (expected) product lifetimes

Scientists have been warning for years about the consequences of the current take-make-waste system, and incremental change is needed to enable the environment to regenerate and move towards a sustainable society. Especially electronic waste (e-waste), which currently increases t ...

Intrinsic transitions

A strategy for housing corporations to facilitate sustainability in neigbhorhoods

This graduation project investigates the stimulation of sustainable behaviour among residents from a housing corporation in Eindhoven, Wooninc., and proposes a program for grassroots infrastructure as a way to support sustainable transitions in neighborhoods.As a partner of the “ ...
Aortic stenosis is one of the most serious heart valve diseases and is the result of calcification of the aortic valve leaflets. This calcification is irreversible and affect the functionality of the heart valves. The only treatment is an aortic valve replacement. The trend in he ...

The making of a sustainability label

Can a sustainability label change the textile industry

The textile industry is one of the largest industries in the world. It brings economic wealth to many countries but is also one of the largest contributors to environmental pollution. Textile companies nowadays often mention sustainability in their business models. However, it is ...

A new perspective on reducing overconsumption

Shift recreational shopping practices in city centres towards a practice that fosters long-term happiness

This master thesis shows the research and design to tackle overconsumption of products within the context of recreational shopping practices in city centres. Thereby show the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management how they could tackle the ‘Refuse’ strategy of their Circ ...

Beyond Illumination and back

The use of the Internet of Things in the design of circular supermarket lighting

The effects of the linear economy on our environment are becoming more visible every day. Governments act by introducing sustainability related laws and legislation, stimulating companies to make their products ready for a circular economy. This project aimed at using the benefit ...

A better textile life

How design can educate consumers towards a better textile life

One of the biggest downsides to the growing fashion industry is its unsustainable and wasteful character. Currently, the fashion industry produces, distributes and utilizes clothing in a linear way, making it among the main industries responsible for the negative environmental an ...

Participatory Research and Design for Repair of customers’ IKEA furniture

Prolonging the life of IKEA furniture through Creative Repair

Valuable resources are discarded on a daily basis, in the form of home furniture. Tonnes of prematurely disposed, functional and repairable furniture is often destined for landfill or incineration, with small proportions recycled. The emergent sustainability needs of the planet, ...

Design for Product care

The development of a design tool for product lifetime extension

To realize the shift towards a Circular Economy, products should stay usable as long as possible. Maintaining products is the most efficient way of retaining their desired level of performance. This is called Product care. Product care can be understood as any action that helps t ...

Display Repair

Battling Premature Obsolescence in Smartphones by Stimulating Repair Actions

With over 6 billion smartphones in use worldwide, high emissions and a considerable amount of e-waste, there is a need for a more sustainable approach. One such an approach is prolonging the use-times of smartphones, and for that repair should be popularised. This thesis examines ...

ECO coin implementation at DGTL

Designing the ECO-coin implementation at DGTL to stimulate sustainable behaviour in the festival audience

The ECO coin is a new currency that values sustainable behaviour. This projects aim was to integrate the ECO coin into the festival environment, emphasizing on the users needs. Finally a system was created which allows users to trace their impact, teaches them about sustainabilit ...

Improving passenger waste separation behaviour through design at Schiphol Airport

Enabling and motivating passengers of Schiphol Airport to dispose of passenger solid waste correctly to support Schiphol’s goal to become zero waste

This graduation project focuses on the problem of solid waste, specifically passenger waste at Schiphol Airport. The project aimed to enhance passenger separation behaviour to reduce the amount of residual waste that would be incinerated. The project began by exploring the FF3 ...

The future of corporate car sharing

Creating an innovation strategy for Greenwheels

Our contemporary society faces serious social and environmental challenges due to the increasing usage of automobiles. However, researchers have suggested that stimulating the acceptance of car sharing is a promising solution for dealing with these issues. Therefore, the goal of ...

Design for circular service engagement

A strategic design for consumer product subscriptions by Bundles.

In this project, a service design approach is used to explore new value opportunities for consumers in a circular product subscription; based on the data that machines and consumers can give as input to a digital system. The analysis and design is focused on the wash machine PSS ...