Optimal Configuration of an Automated Dairy Factory

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Currently a new small and automated dairy factory for the onsite production of cheese at farms is under devel-opment. This new factory aims at the production of cheese without any human interaction, based on the (raw) milk from cows who are milked with a milking robot. At the moment only a small test factory exists, in which human interaction is still present. Of the new factory it was unknown what configuration of processing stations and transportation vehicles would be required to produce cheese. To find the optimal configuration of this new automated dairy factory, first a data analysis was used to determine the characteristics of the milk input of the factory. Next the present test factory was analyzed and a model representing the automated dairy factory was developed. The model was used to identify the opti-mal configuration of the dairy factory. Four different farm groups were researched, per farm group one opti-mal configuration of the dairy factory was identified.
