Construction project change impacts

Research into the interactions among multiple project changes

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This research focusses on delivering a proposed procedure that determines interactions among multiple changes. The basis for this is obtained from literature and research papers that focus on the cumulative impacts of multiple project changes. The construction industry is currently suffering from a productivity problem, resulting from the cumulative impacts of multiple changes. Scientific theories suggest that interaction among changes is an essential factor for the cumulative impacts of changes. A brief study of the literature results in the development of a procedure to determine and show interactions among multiple changes. The procedure is applied in three real projects undertaken by ENGIE services West Industry, Rotterdam, to test its application. The results from the three projects show interactions among their significant changes, with limitations on obtaining the impacts from the points of interactions. An understanding is obtained from this, which suggest that at points of interactions, there is an additional resource demand by the changes, which may contribute towards the cumulative impact of changes. Thereby, this research provides a framework to construction companies that aids in determining and showing points of interactions among multiple changes while providing a reasonable understanding regarding the cumulative impacts of multiple changes.