Prediction of stress distribution using 3D geomechanical model in De Lier Field, the Netherlands

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An understanding about geomechanical condition is necessarily needed in order to examine the state of stress of a subsurface area. Geomechanical modeling is one of the method to understand the mechanical condition and has been used in various subsurface-related industries such as oil and gas, geothermal, and CO2 storage. The principal stress distribution influences the stress regime and dictates the creation of different type of fault and fracture. The magnitude and orientation of principal stresses are controlled by the physical and mechanical properties of the rock such as density and Poisson’s ratio. It is also effected by the tectonic stress and the geometry of the model which is created using the seismic data. In the case where the gravity is the only source of stress in the model, normal stress regime is observed in the whole depth. Meanwhile, in the case of tectonic stress is also involved, the stress regime changes over the depth from reverse, strike-slip, to normal stress regime. Lateral variation of the stress magnitude is observed even though it is not really significant. The presence of the fault in the model does not have a large contribution to influence the magnitude and orientation of the principal stresses. Changing the pore pressure magnitude is indeed can affect the principal, effective stress, and the stress regime throughout the model.