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G. Bertotti

172 records found

Aiming to contribute to the energy transition, this study provides an integrated picture of the geothermal system hosted in the West Netherlands Basin and shows how the reconstruction of the basin's geological history can contribute to the correct exploration and exploitation of ...

Multiple phase rifting and subsequent inversion in the West Netherlands Basin

Implications for geothermal reservoir characterization

Aiming to contribute to the energy transition, this study provides an integrated picture of the geothermal system hosted in the West Netherlands Basin and shows how the reconstruction of the basin's geological history can contribute to the correct exploration and exploitation of ...
Sandstones from the Main Buntsandstein Subgroup represent a promising deep geothermal target in the subsurface of the Netherlands considering their widespread distribution and temperatures locally reaching 140-150 °C at depths of ~ 3 to 5 km. The Main Buntsandstein Subgroup is a ...

Fracture distribution along open folds in southern Tunisia

Implications for naturally fractured reservoirs

Fracture networks play a critical role in fluid flow within reservoirs, and it is therefore important to understand the interactions and influences of these networks. Our study focuses on the Southern Chotts–Jeffara Basin, which hosts reservoirs within Triassic, Permian and Ordov ...
In this study, a re-evaluation is performed of the well data of the NLW-GT-01 and VAL-01 wells in the Lower Triassic sandstones in the West Netherlands Basin. Core, geophysical and image logs, are compared to document the characteristics of natural fractures distribution, and inv ...
Southern Tunisia is known to be less deformed and simpler than its neighboring Atlassic domain to the north. This area is complex and basin evolution in the Southern Chotts-Jeffara (SCJ) basin is debated. In this paper we combined surface and subsurface data with low temperature ...
Fractured and karstified carbonate units are key exploration targets for the hydrocarbon industry as they represent important reservoirs. Furthermore, large water reserves and geothermal systems are hosted in carbonate aquifers. This paper documents the relationships between stra ...
The present study used a multitool approach to characterize fractures of several orders of magnitude in large fracture corridors, caves, and canyons to investigate their impact on fluid flow in carbonate units. The study area is the Brejões carbonate karst system that is located ...
The southern Chotts basin (SCB), Central Tunisia, has shown hydrocarbon potential since the end of the 1980s. This basin records a complex structural history which appears decoupled at the Hercynian or Variscan unconformity. The Paleozoic series is deformed by short to medium wav ...
Fracture networks are abundant in subsurface applications (e.g., geothermal energy production, CO2 sequestration). Fractured reservoirs often have a very complex structure, making modeling flow and transport in such networks slow and unstable. Consequently, this limits ...
The Songwe geothermal prospect is situated in western Tanzania in the Rukwa Rift of the western branch of the East African Rift System. Thermal springs discharge along NW–SE oriented fracture zones in two separate areas: in the main Songwe graben (Iyola, Main springs, Rambo and K ...

Large-scale natural fracture network patterns

Insights from automated mapping in the Lilstock (Bristol Channel) limestone outcrops

The Lilstock outcrop in the southern Bristol Channel provides exceptional exposures of several limestone beds displaying stratabound fracture networks, providing the opportunity to create a very large, complete, and ground-truthed fracture model. Here we present the result of aut ...
This study combines multiscale analyses of geological, fault, fracture, and stable isotope data to investigate strike-slip deformation and channeling of hydrothermal fluids along the Cafarnaum fault and calcite veins at different distances from the fault, which is a structure in ...

Flow pathways in multiple-direction fold hinges

Implications for fractured and karstified carbonate reservoirs

Caves developed in carbonate units have a significant role in fluid flow, but most of these subsurface voids are below seismic resolution. We concentrated our study on four caves to determine the roles of fractures and folds in the development of karst conduits that may form flow ...
Rock fractures organize as networks, exhibiting natural variation in their spatial arrangements. Therefore, identifying, quantifying, and comparing variations in spatial arrangements within network geometries are of interest when explicit fracture representations or discrete frac ...
The positive impact that natural fractures can have on geothermal heat production from low-permeability reservoirs has become increasingly recognised and proven by subsurface case studies. In this study, we assess the potential impact of natural fractures on heat extraction from ...
Multiphase mass and heat transfer are ubiquitous in the subsurface within manifold applications. The presence of fractures over several scales and complex geometry magnifies the uncertainty of the heat transfer phenomena, which will significantly impact, or even dominate, the dyn ...
Evaporite mobilisation in evaporite-cored anticlines leads to topographic growth that can alter sedimentary routing in shallow marine environments. This paper analyses two evaporite-cored anticlines perpendicular to the NW Africa coast to understand how their tectonic evolution i ...
Diagnostic morphological features (e.g., rectilinear seafloor scarps) and lateral offsets of the Upper Quaternary deposits are used to infer active faults in offshore areas. Although they deform a significant seafloor region, the active faults are not necessarily capable of produ ...
The carbonate rocks exposed in the Irecê (Brazil) are pervasively affected by hydrothermal silicification and dolomitization. These mineralizing events drastically changed the original petrophysical properties of the host rock. In order to understand the role played by deformatio ...