Christian Kluge

6 records found


Sustainability of engineered fractured systems

An experimental study on hydro-mechanical properties

The Earth’s subsurface exhibits a high potential for generating and storing energy. Engineered fractured systems, for example geothermal or carbon storage reservoirs, highly depend on the capacity of rock to conduct and store fluids. Faults and fractures create the largest contra ...

The hydraulic performance and mechanical stability of open fractures are crucial for several subsurface applications including fractured geothermal reservoirs or nuclear waste repositories. Their hydraulic and mechanical properties (fluid flow and fracture stiffness) are both ...

Using an innovative experimental set-up (Punch-Through Shear test), we initiated a shear zone (microfault) in Flechtingen sandstone and Odenwald granite under in situ reservoir conditions while monitoring permeability and fracture dilation evolution. The shear zone, which has ...

Fault zones are key features in crystalline geothermal reservoirs or in other subsurface environments due to the fact that they act as main fluid pathways. An adequate experimental description of the evolution of permeability of a realistic microscopic fault zone under in-situ ...

It is unclear how the crustal-scale erosional exhumation of continental domains of the Moroccan Atlantic margin and the excessive subsidence of its rifted domains affected the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous post-rift evolution of the margin. To constrain the km-scale exhumation, ...


To develop high enthalpy geothermal systems in the Netherlands, reservoirs with a depth greater than 4000 m need to be targeted. The Lower Carboniferous limestone is proposed as the main target due to its depth and wide occurrence. To investigate the potential of this formation, ...