David Fernández-Blanco

5 records found

Evaporite mobilisation in evaporite-cored anticlines leads to topographic growth that can alter sedimentary routing in shallow marine environments. This paper analyses two evaporite-cored anticlines perpendicular to the NW Africa coast to understand how their tectonic evolution i ...
It is unclear how the crustal-scale erosional exhumation of continental domains of the Moroccan Atlantic margin and the excessive subsidence of its rifted domains affected the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous post-rift evolution of the margin. To constrain the km-scale exhumation, ...
Crustal rheology and surface processes strongly influence strain distribution and shape of orogenic wedges at their front but how they influence the wedge rear is still unclear. Here, we analyse the coupled control of viscosity and sedimentation on forearc high growth during adva ...
We present a model for the dynamic formation of the forearc high of southern Anatolia where sedimentation in the forearc basin leads to thermally-activated deformation in the lower crust. Our thermo-mechanical models demonstrate that forearc sedimentation increases the temperatur ...
Geologic evidence across orogenic plateau margins enables the discrimination of the relative contributions of orogenic, epeirogenic and/or climatic processes that lead to growth and maintenance of those plateaus and their margins. Here, we discuss the mode of formation of the sou ...