Introduction to an in-situ method for rapid measurement of the walls’ thermal resistance in existing buildings

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Large deviations observed between the actual and theoretical gas consumption in Dutch dwellings, cast a shadow of doubt on the accuracy of the energy labeling method. In this sense, the accuracy of the calculation methods as well as the inputs being fed, fall under the question. According to several studies, the significance of wall’s thermal resistance as one of the most sensitive inputs has become clear. From the lack of sufficient information regarding the exact construction of the existing walls, arises a necessity for in-situ measurements. However, such measurements are generally not being performed because the existing methods demand very long monitoring periods. In this research, a rapid transient in-situ thermal resistance measurement technique, Excitation Pulse Method (EPM), has been introduced, experimentally applied to a case study, and compared to the existing international standard method ISO 9869, showing a very good agreement. EPM is based on the theory of thermal response factors. It allows in-situ determination of the walls’ thermal resistance and the average volumetric heating capacity in a couple of hours. The method is therefore believed to aid in better and much quicker estimation of the